11 — 13 OCT 2023 Cologne
ON PLINY’S PATHS Artists’ Exchange Cologne — Tunis 2023
Friedrich Boell presented an installation consisting of two historic TV sets displaying real-time generated visuals. He had programmed an AI-based system to mix recorded images of natural environments and at times filmed impressions of the exhibition space in seamless visuals. The interactive set-up allowed the visitors to alter the generated visual materials.
ON PLINY’SPATHS Cologne 2023. Photos: Ouafa Benamor, Friedrich Boell, GPS.
Since he studied at the Media Art Academy Cologne, Friedrich Boell has worked on digital image processing, computer-generated graphics, and electronic music production. He experiments with techniques such as reverse engineering, 3D printing, 3D modeling, and robotics to implement art installations. He aims to incorporate found material and electronic thrash in his projects.
INTERFERENCE Tunis 2023. Photos: Houssem Lachtar, Nour Elhouda Ghanem, Mohsen Bchir.
2023 Cologne (de), ON PLINY’S PATHS
2023 Wiesbaden (de), WALKMÜHLE Künstlerverein
2023 Berlin (de), RADIAL SYSTEM
2022 Cologne (de), Kunsthaus Rhenania
2021 Arnsberg (de), DARK
2021 Tunis (tn), INTERFERENCE
2019 Manizales (co), FESTIVAL DELA IMAGEN
2019 Halifax (ca), RESPONSIVE
2018 Leeuwarden (nl), LUNA YOUNG MASTERS
2018 Augsburg (de), LAB 30
2018 Linz (at), ARS ELECTRONICA
2018 Cologne (de), COLLUMINA
2019 Bogota (co), DAAD Exchange
2015 — 2021 Cologne (de), Media Arts Academy Cologne
2005 — 2008 Remscheid (de), Trainee IT Systems Electronics
Lives in Cologne
Friederich Boell. INTERFERENCE Tunis 2021. Photo: Nour Elhouda Ghanem.