TUE 29 AUG 2023 | 10:00 — 11:30 AM
Palais Kheireddine
— Input by Andrea Moeller and Stefan Aleksandar Jovanovski

— Make a strong concept in an hour! This workshop offers the opportunity to collaboratively dive into the world of ideas. We dive into the intricacies of concept development, drawing inspiration from a case study: the ILO project for the International Day of Light in collaboration with UNESCO: an-around-the-world participative light art project. ILO is the international organization of light festivals: https://www.internationallightfestivals.org/

Our world faces many challenges, from environmental issues and conflicts to the complexities of AI and inequality. The central theme revolves around the powerful concept of uniting individuals across the globe through the use of mediums of light art. In a world grappling with environmental challenges, geopolitical tensions, technological advancements, and societal disparities, the workshop encourages participants to visually capture these complex issues and bring impactful ideas.

During this workshop, participants are invited to immerse themselves in a creative exercise that prompts them to reflect upon the notion of a fragmented world. Through a process of sharing existing examples and interactive brainstorming, participants contribute their unique perspectives and insights.The result is a visual representation of the collective imagination – collectively generating a graphic brain cloud, ideas with possibilities that could potentially be implemented once the project is underway.

Please join to learn about what’s cooking in our kitchens and add your ingredients to an exciting creative adventure that has the potential of being realised in the near future!

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